There is no question that we are living in precarious times. Not since the Great Depression has the American society been confronted with such economic turmoil. As technology has advanced so has personal and professional mismanagement, misappropriation and irresponsibility. In Americans quest to "keep up with the Jones'" we have become image obsessed and credit addicted. Quite simply we have kept up with the Jones' straight to the poorhouse. We fail to realize that our finances have not caught up with our perceived definitions of reality and fantasy and as such many of us are bankrupt, our homes have been foreclosed and our credit revoked.
Corporate enterprises have taken advantage of our stupidity. American greed has become more rampant than ever before and we as a society have become we should be. However, how many of us have taken personal inventory for our own foolishness and our own greed? What steps have we taken to correct our own mistakes and engage in our own bailout to create a better life for ourselves and our families? The economic stimulus package is not the cure for a contageous illness we have allowed to manifest and did nothing about. We are our own stimulus package and we need to be accountable for our own willful ignorance. We need to take responsibility for our actions and stop waiting for the government to take care of everything for us and we need to take care of ourselves. We need to take ownership of our destinies and take our prosperity in our own hands if we want to be blessed and our children to reap the benefits of our blessings. Let us all engage in ACCOUNTABILITY, RESPONSIBILITY AND OWNERSHIP!