Thursday, January 7, 2010

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Issues Membership Moratorium Following Hazing Incident

The National President Of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has issued a national membership intake moratorium following a hazing incident at Fort Valley State University in Fort Valley, GA which left a man hospitalized.

In an e-mail to the brotherhood, General President Herman "Skip" Mason, Jr. stated that the prior intake process was created under the assumption that brothers involved in the intake process would conduct themselves honorably and with care. However, this was not the case on November 29, 2009 when 21 year old Bryson Trumaine Amey is alleged to have engaged in some form of hazing that left potential line brother 19 year old Brian Tukes hospitalized with acute renal failure. Bryson Trumaine Amey was charged with felony aggravated battery by Fort Valley Police following the incident. In the incident report, the suspect and/or suspects used hands, fists or other body parts to physically assault Brian Tukes at the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity house on campus. The report also states that the hazing occured September 10 to December 1, 2009. Brian Tuke's mother, Mrs. Phyllis Tukes found out about the hazing and told university officials of her son's allegations of hazing. The University then contacted Fort Valley Police who are investigating.

General President Mason stated that the hazing incident cast a negative connotation on the otherwise positive reputation of the fraternity. He also stated bluntly in the e-mail "Our organization should not, and will not, await the occurence of a catastrophic loss before it acts to rein in those who engage in risky behavior...I believe Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. must not conduct a new cycle of membership intake until it can correct and eliminate the problem of some brothers violating our strict rules against hazing...this means that ALL MEMBERSHIP INTAKE ACTIVITIES SHALL BE AND ARE HEREBY SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE"  He continued "any member, chapter or officer found in violation of this membership-intake suspension order will be disciplined up to and including expulsion from the fraternity." General President Mason also stated that Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. must ensure the safe and orderly membership intake process of the fraternity and encouraged all to abide by the moratorium. General President Mason also stated that he will be meeting with the Board Of Directors to discuss the hazing incident, policies and procedures regarding the incident and other pressing issues. He also admonished that every brother be committed to follow the rules and policies that govern the organization.

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