An Associated Press/GfK poll taken after U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden yielded the highest approval rating President Obama has received in two years. Sixty percent of Americans said in the survey that he deserves to be re-elected and 73 percent said that they feel confident about his ability to handle terrorist threats. Still, most Americans remain opposed to the war in Afghanistan and a large majority wants to see all combat troops withdrawn from the country by 2014.
Interestingly, Americans also are feeling more confident about the economy, despite worrisome gas prices and bitter partisan debate over federal budget deficits. AP reports that more people say the economy has improved in the last month and will continue to improve over the next year.
Not everyone is convinced, however. The survey found that 52 percent of Americans say the country is on the wrong track compared to 45 percent who believe it’s headed in the right direction.
Americans are a fickle lot, so it is unclear how long the president’s political boost will last. As anyone who pays the least bit of attention to politics knows, one day may be up but the next day you could fall.
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