Friday, April 1, 2011

Minister Louis Farrakhan Takes U.S. To Task Over Libya, Warns Of Destruction Headed For U.S. At Press Conference

( - America is facing a major earthquake as part of God's divine judgment against the country for her evil, warned the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan during a March 31 press conference at the Nation of Islam's flagship Mosque Maryam.

The Minister called the news conference to address U.S. policy in the Middle East and military attacks on Libya. He again condemned U.S. military action against Libya and warned the president about tricks that could lead to his disgrace and ruin.

The bombing of Libya has ended hope in Africa and in the Middle East that President Obama would usher in a different type of U.S. policy and hurt the president's popularity, he said. Satanic advisers have shifted the president away from a moral position and into a dangerous one, he said.

Col. Gadhafi has been hated by America for his revolutionary ideology and stand against imperialistic exploitation of poor nations, the Minister said. While Americans are losing their homes and have no health care, Libyans have been given free health care, free education and free housing, Min. Farrakhan noted. Oil money was also used to build hospitals and a major water project stretching from the Sahara Desert almost to Tunisia, he added. While Libya was the poorest country in the world in the 1950s, it current income is double that of Egypt, saidMin. Farrakhan.

The western image of Col. Gadhafi doesn't fit what I know about him and his history, he continued.

The Libyan leader who has supported the Nation of Islam with loans for purchasing its headquarters and starting the POWER economic program and opened doors to relations with African leaders, is not a mad dog or the ugly person depicted by America, he said.

America has supported dictators around the world and already has CIA agents in Libya according to media reports, said Min. Farrakhan.

America will suffer grave loss and massive death as God's chastisement strikes the country and steadily increases, Min. Farrakhan said.

"My teacher was not only a messenger but a warner to you (Blacks) and America and the nations of the earth. He knew what was coming and put it in Muhammad Speaks and in the minds of his ministers," said Min. Farrakhan.

Mr. Muhammad taught that America would suffer four great judgments from God--the judgments of rain, hail, snow and earthquake, the Minister said.

Elijah Muhammad was a Moses speaking to a modern pharaoh saying let Black people go and I am his Aaron, said Min. Farrakhan. I am a man you will have to deal wih and you cannot deal with me as you have ordinary negroes and you won't be able to kill me, he said.

"I love Muammar Qaddafi and I love our president. It grieves me to see my brother president set a policy that would remove this man," Min. Farrakhan said.

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